How Does Face Recognition Work With Phones In The Dark?

Phone Security Is Necessary To Protect Identity

It’s not the best idea for anyone to leave his or her phone out in the open especially when it’s easily accessible. Regardless of whether or not anyone else is present, there’s always a level of risk.

Now that there are more viable options available to help protect what might appear on your phone screen, there are security layers that can be used to your advantage. They usually come in the forms of features and apps.These features prove to be helpful once they are set up. Whenever it’s time to set up a new phone, one or more security methods are often given upfront as options throughout the process.

Normally, one security layer can be enough. Many phones are programmed in a way where only one active security layer is and can be present when a phone screen is turned on.However, it can be possible for there to be more than one set at once. This can easily depend on the phone, design, programming, and possibly the carrier.

If a phone user decides to skip the security steps, it can always be done at a later time. Although, it’s more ideal for it to be done sooner rather than later.

Face Recognition As An Option

One known phone security feature is face recognition. As you may have guessed, it allows the user to access important valuables and information by means of identification using his or her face.

It has numerous benefits. One of them is increased accuracy to better ensure confirmation of a person’s identity.Another benefit is better security. Because Face Recognition also uses authentication, it acts as an effective safeguard.

Another benefit is lesser use of touch. Although there are options that involve touchpoints, Face Recognition can help in an effort to eliminate involving the use of hands and fingers.It can also be useful in other numerous ways besides phone use that we normally don’t think about.

It can help law enforcement, aid in transportation access, access personal devices, gain entry to security controlled buildings, balance security when using social media, and more.

How Can Face Recognition Work With Little To No Light?

When considering the use of the security feature, it can be necessary to survey how much light there is around you.

It’s likely to be unsuccessful if there’s an attempt to use it entirely in the dark. Some amount of light is still needed where there’s enough being emitted for the feature to work effectively.It can still be possible for the security feature to work in low lit places. It can still depend on where as well as the chosen spot. It can easily become a bit of a quirk.

When a cellphone screen is on, it gives off light which can brighten some of the surrounding space available. More specifically, it can be even more effective when the screen is on in a space or area that is more enclosed.Other factors worth noting are if the feature is being used at night, in a dark enough area, or both. These factors can also further help with how light can affect the accuracy of Face Recognition.

It can still decrease the feature’s success and accuracy. There will never be a 100% guarantee that Face Recognition will be able recognize the phone user’s face every time when there are circumstances to consider.

Other Potential Strange Quirks Are Possible

Touching more on face recognition, there can still be possible oddities that could be difficult to explain. After all, perfection often exists by means of subjectivity and opinion.

To make it even more complicated, there are always going to be some abnormalities that have yet to be discovered. They can also contribute to and count as potential cons of using Face Recognition.One peculiarity is when face recognition doesn’t immediately work when the phone screen is turned on. It can possibly be due to the actual phone not being used after a certain length of time.

Although detection and sensory delays are not uncommon, it can become a potential issue if the amount times it occurs is consistent and big enough.Even more baffling occurrences can be anytime even during the day. This can also align with the same reason of gapping from the last time a phone was used.

A longer time gap can be more understandable. However, if there’s a shorter time gap, then that can potentially raise questions.It can also be strange if a phone user has to line his or her face up with the screen to a certain position or angle constantly.

The point of Face Recognition is for the user’s face to be close enough to the screen to be effective without having to be in an exact position each time.Face Recognition is always going to have its pros and cons. However, its benefits are more likely to outweigh the drawbacks. User experience always has a way of providing more insight.

What are your thoughts on Face Recognition? Any and all are welcome. Thank you for taking some time to stop by, dear readers!

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What Makes TikTok A Toxic Platform?

TikTok Is A Worldwide Phenomenon

The TikTok platform is one of the biggest the world has ever seen. If you think about it, you might compare that to something else that is close or similar in popularity.

When people think of “TikTok”, the first thing that most likely comes to mind is the massive platform before thinking of the song “Tik Tok” by Kesha. In this case, this is being based specifically on the word’s spelling.

That would be like the equivalence of other similar scenarios. For example, when people think of “Frozen”, the first thing that comes to mind is the movie and not Madonna’s song “Frozen”.

Although both are popular in their own rights, in terms of what level, they may be either different from or close to each other. Opinions vary.

For another example, when people think of “Toto”, the first thing that might come to mind is the music band and not Dorothy Gayle’s pet Terrier dog in “The Wizard Of Oz”. Or it could be vice versa.

The popularity between two or more things can be a matter of opinion. Votes and polls could also further make it interesting in order to find out what other enthusiasts might think and say.

How Did TikTok Start?

The idea and inspiration came from a now non-existent social platform that many people remember as simply Vine. It was a platform where the concept of it consisted of short and vertical videos.

The concept of TikTok is the same one used by Vine as it was adopted. This would lead to TikTok being a huge success.

Unfortunately, there was a substantial disagreement between platform users and all who ran the platform. This would lead to missed opportunity.

The ultimate reason why Vine collapsed was due to the site not being willing to give monetization a chance. This would leave an opening for other platforms to capitalize on the opportunity and make use of Vine’s concept.

There’s Plenty To Love About TikTok

Just like other platform giants, TikTok is also a massive space where anyone can make content and share it with others. A phone is an easy first choice for making content with.

Anyone can be on the platform. If you intend to gain an audience at a quicker rate, then it’s a good place to start. It’s commonly used for fun and entertainment. However, there are other ways it can be utilized.

If you want to make income from it, you can do it. If you have a talent you want people to see, you can share it.

If you want to promote your business, you can do so. If you want to entertain others and make them laugh, it can be done.

TikTok can also be used to bring others together from many parts of the world. Purpose can make a difference.

Just like with all major platforms, there are guidelines that have to be followed. Not all guidelines are going to be agreed upon, but the ones that are needed are necessary.

How Can TikTok Be Toxic?

Just like there are many upsides, there are also expected to be downsides. They can affect not only just users who have accounts, but they can even affect others who don’t.

One of the biggest types of TikTok trends is when people participate in challenges. To say that this can be a double-edged sword is a complete understatement.

It can be easy to do something to get attention. When young audiences fail to understand what they are getting themselves into, it can become an issue quickly.

There are many trends from other platforms that have inevitably made their ways to TikTok and even more will eventually emerge. Many can be fun, some can result in causing harm, and some can result in loss of life.

One example is the “Blackout Challenge”. It is one of the most well known, notorious, and dangerous TikTok challenges. It is also one of the longest trending social media challenges.

It’s existed even before the age social media. Once some of the big social media platforms were created and drew massive audiences, this lead to social media challenges becoming forever ingrained in popular culture.

As you may have guessed, the “Blackout Challenge” has resulted in dire and irreversible consequences. This challenge is one of a number of challenges that have resulted in deaths of young teens and children.

There are many existing internet challenges that are capable of causing the same thing. It just begs questions like “What’s next?”, “When?”, “How?”, and “Why?”.

Many of these unfortunate events could have been preventable. Unfortunately, many trend followers can habitually go in to something completely blind.

Some do things knowing what the risks are and still take them. When lack of common sense fails, ignorance succeeds.

Then there are instances of unfriendliness. There are users that can negatively impact other users regardless of how big or small.

One example is what transpired with Tiao Cruz. For those of you who might not remember or be familiar with the name, he’s a singer and songwriter.

Just like many others, he decided to join the TikTok party and gain a following of his own. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing something so harmless. Unfortunately, those intentions were met with an overwhelmingly negative response completely out of nowhere.

What made it even worse was how Cruz’s intentions were not even intended to provoke others or were found to be offensive in any way. This was a case of hate and bullying.

It was complete mistreatment of someone who just simply wanted to make his way on the platform just like everyone else only to be met with an unfair reception.

This would only become worse after it took an unimaginable toll on Cruz. Not only did it cause him to withdraw from the platform, it also resulted in him having thoughts of suicide. Nothing like this incident should ever be the case.

Can The Toxicity Be Stopped?

The answer to that is easily complicated. Although it can potentially be minimized, completely stopping it will likely always be a pipe dream.

There’s no such thing as a perfect platform. TikTok itself, its founders, developers, and all who are involved running it can always do better. Changes happen and ideally should be applied to where it really counts.

It’s important to address and handle all serious issues that can be a detriment to the TikTok community.

Although it is true that sometimes it may take certain things to happen, it’s smart to both think ahead and harder so that the worry level is low or even nonexistent.

It’s not always as easy as it sounds but there is always something that can be set in place to further drive the effort of making the platform and its community just little safer and healthier.

Do you have any thoughts? Any and all are welcome to be shared. Necessary and additional updates will be made if there are any significant shifts or changes pertaining to the platform. Thank you, dear readers!

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Why Does Phone Camera Quality Diminish Over Time?

Phone Camera Quality Can Make A Difference

Any phone lover knows that one of the best features on a phone is the camera. It plays a significant role for allowing anyone to capture all kinds of moments.

Many phone users are also lovers of social media platforms. So posting a high quality photo after taking it using a high quality phone is common that way.

There’s always more to it and it’s easy to forget that a phone camera can be helpful in ways other than just taking pictures for enjoyment.

There are times when information may need to be acquired or shared for more important matters. When that’s the case, doing it securely and safely is what’s most ideal.

All of this is easy to take for granted. Most of the time, we don’t think about anything negative happening. But when it does happen, there are going to be questions. Those questions can include “How?”, “Why?”, or “What Now?”.

That can be especially frustrating if you recently get a new phone and something bad already starts happening.

The Phone Camera Might Not Be Still Working At The Same Level It Did In The Past

After having a phone for a while, there’s the inevitability of an eventual loss in the amount of ability and function. As far as why it happens, reasons can easily range.

Some reasons can be easier to narrow down than others. Sometimes there can be complications that can reach a point where an explanation seems impossible.

Phones have many parts, components, and functions to them. It may just come down to wondering where to start first.

One can say that there’s no right or wrong way of doing so only that’s not always true. Carelessness and incompetence can lead to unfavorable outcomes.

Using your judgement, especially good judgement, can be effective. If that fails or is just simply not enough, expert or professional help might be necessary.

Since the focus is on the phone camera, there are some things to consider with what can contribute to the decrease in quality.

Camera Lens Obstruction

Much of this is from an external perspective. Although it’s not uncommon for a phone camera’s lens to have something blocking it, that possibility should still not be immediately ruled out.

The camera lens can have a potential particle build-up over time. Normally, dust and dirt are the most common causes.

To minimize the chances of them building up, it’s necessary to do an appropriate lens cleaning periodically.

Then there can be more of an internal perspective. Camera screens can appear to be completely black.

There can be logical explanations behind it. Many phones have camera covers that are either built-in or sold separately. So it’s necessary to the lens cover if there is one.

One or multiple running phone apps are capable of causing potential failure in giving access to the camera.

Camera Lens Damage

Cracking a phone can cause irreversible problems that can become costly to fix. If unfortunate enough, the phone could be beyond repair and has to be replaced with a new one.

As far as damage to a phone’s lens, this can be from phone scratching or cracking. This can make the situation more difficult when a phone is manipulated, dropped, smashed, or crushed.

Because phone cameras are different from digital cameras, that fact alone easily makes the handling of those particular causes of phone damage on your own incredibly difficult to outright impossible.

Protective barriers like phone screens and cases will significantly lessen the chances of potential scratches and crack formation.

Exposure to extreme temperatures can greatly impact a phone’s camera lens. Keeping a phone in places at the appropriate temperatures as much as possible is an important factor to long-lasting phone quality.

There will always be scenarios that can be easier to understand when taking into account how obvious they can be. Then there are instances where other scenarios can potentially be more challenging as different circumstances will need to be factored in.

Heat exposure includes fire, cooking appliances, and natural sunlight. This also includes high temperature areas. Cold exposure includes refrigeration, freezing, cold weather, and cold rooms.

Submersion in liquid can alter and even ruin the quality of a phone lens. Even waterproof phone cases can protect a phone but only for so long.

Phone Storage And Software

Although it seems more farfetched to many others and is often more disregarded, storage or software can play a role in affecting phone quality. Very rarely do both simultaneously contribute to it at one time.

An app could possibly alter a phone’s settings. Some apps’ can easily have greater effects than others. Insight based on user experience can always help.

With certain apps, effects can take shape if the phone user gives the app permission or access. This can be typical as user doesn’t really understand why apps ask permission to gain access.

With that in mind, it’s worth checking phone settings. Because different phones can be affected in different ways, the changes that might need to be made depends on what’s happening.

Phones use internal storage in numerous ways and for different reasons. Large files can contribute to slower functionality and performance.

With phone software, updates can eventually become outdated and can no longer be received. Compatibility with other networks can also begin to fail. This is based on how long you own a phone.

Phone Aging

It can be easy to forget that phones get older the longer we have them. Many of them can hold well and last for a long time. It eventually comes to a point when a phone’s condition starts to falter.

That can happen as a phone’s lifespan becomes shorter. Each phone has its differences and usually don’t have a clear indication as to how long the might last. Judgement also counts as a deciding factor.

As a phone ages, there eventually comes a point where updates can no longer be helpful. That leans more toward the internal phone aspect.

It can still also pertain to physical appearance, overall performance, and functioning of features. It can be a combination of some if not all of the factors.

By then, considering in a different phone may be necessary. It can be hard to let go especially when it’s premature. Eventually, there comes a time for something new.

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What Causes My Phone To Open Apps On Its Own?

The App Store And Google Play Store Are Counterparts Of Each Other

As many phone users know, if you want to get an app, there’s a certain place to get it. There’s a distribution service for iPhones many people know as the App Store. There is also distribution service counterpart for Android users known as the Google Play Store.

As we all know, both of these digital stores have vast number of apps a user can choose from to download. They are both among the largest leading digital distribution services in the world.

It’s interesting to note that both of these stores also act as their own separate app. It’s amazing how apps being as massive as they are, can fit such a large volume on their platforms.

That proves that when digital technology is advanced enough, a large amount can be compacted to fit in one undefined space.

Phones Have Ways Of Acting Strange

Phones are sensitive in numerous ways. A phone’s sensitivity can be further compromised and complicated depending on the circumstances.

Reasons always vary. There could be just one specific reason or multiple reasons at once. It’s not always easy to determine whether it be from a professional perspective or not.

Getting to the root of the problem is not always easy because when you think you know what the problem is, it might actually be something different from what you originally thought.

Although it’s possible for some problems to solved quickly, it’s never always easy. Sometimes it can take longer to understand what’s happening with a phone whether it be internally or externally.

Because phones are smaller in size with a great amount of function that goes into them, that’s what makes problem-solving all the more challenging.

Since the focus is more on why apps seemingly open on their own, they can also have their fair share of complications behind them. Some are easier to narrow down while many others may take more time.

Why Does It Happen?

As mentioned before, phones have many ways of being sensitive. One way is by touch or any direct body contact. This is especially true with touchscreen phones.

This can get further complex. If the phone screen is on, there could be increased chance of phone activity. Something might be bound to happen on accident.

There can be numerous scenarios. You could have your phone in your pocket and the screen might be on. If that were to happen, it can increase the friction between the phone and the human body.

When there’s no body contact, other possible obstructions can include phone cases and screen protectors.

When friction is involved, it can lead to a possible cause for one or more browsers to open. The same can apply for apps and other icons.

This can all be done unintentionally and without actually touching. All of these possibilities can be referred to as “ghost touching”.

Issues with phone software can also play a role in involuntary app or browser openings. Aside from it using internal storage, software can possibly cause corruption depending on what kind it is.

Phone viruses can be a possible contribution despite them happening less commonly. That still doesn’t mean that they don’t happen.

Although it’s less regarded, phone hacking can easily turn into a big problem. Hackers are always looking for ways to penetrate sensitive data.

Phone hardware can also have an involvement. When any of a phone’s physical properties are compromised, it can cause unwanted triggers.

This could be from a cracked phone screen, friction due to outer layer phone protection, unseen obstruction, change in electric or magnetic properties, and other possible complex factors.

Unsurprisingly, there can also be other unexplained reasons that are more difficult to uncover and solve. Added insight based on user experience can help uncover even more.

What Are Ways To Resolve It?

Keep in mind that there are differences between Androids and iPhones and so not all steps are exactly the same. The user will need to be familiar with what kind of phone he or she has.

It’s also important to consider a phone’s overall condition including age, physical properties, and internal properties.

Before considering the thought of seeking professional help from your phone carrier in store, there are some ways you can implement it in an effort to discover the root of the issue.

You can restart your phone, update your operating system based on what kind of phone you have, check that the phone’s apps are updated and current, check your phone setting and reset them if necessary, and restoring backup.

If your phone reaches the point where it’s no longer possible to control it physically, seeking professional help is necessary. If it’s to the point beyond any and all professional help, then it may be time for a new phone.

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Why Do Phone Cameras Randomly Flash?

We Love Our Phone Cameras

At some point, we get the eventual urge to capture a moment. With handheld phones, we can take a picture of someone or something. We may even find ourselves wanting to record a video.

Those are just some of the most common things many phone users can do. When you take a picture, it’s normal for a camera to flash.

That’s an effective way for it to tell you that a picture has been taken. It’s also usually the most common reason a phone camera flashes.

Then there are phone cameras that don’t flash. That can also be common in its own way. It’s actually more common that one might think.

There are phone users who like the camera flash and some who might not. There can be reasons it might be necessary and reasons it might not be.

That’s when it’s up to the user to choose whether the phone’s camera can flash on or off. It depends on what phone settings are chosen and for what purpose.

More On Phone Cameras

Ever since the introduction of smartphones and iPhones, camera quality has improved. With the technology advancements, it provides better user experience.

A phone camera can be a real saving grace for anyone. It’s one of the best features any phone can have.

This doesn’t mean that every phone camera works exactly the same way. It depends on the phone and its features. There’s also no such thing as a perfect phone.

Typically, an older phone will likely have lower quality while a newer phone’s quality is higher. Higher quality phones can be better suited for anyone who likes to take lots of pictures and record lots of videos.

Random Phone Flashing

So now we know the most common reason why a phone’s camera may flash. Then the reasons can get complicated since they can greatly vary.

Some reasons may be a bit easier to understand, some can be a bit unclear, and some may seem completely unheard of.

It all greatly varies depending on user experience. What also can be a contributing factor is what kind of phone the user might have.

As for unclear reasons, they can be hard to explain. This can be expected whenever there’s uncommon occurrences. Not everyone will experience the same thing.

With newer iPhones, their LEDs tend to flash. If a user is not familiar with why it happens, he or she will likely wonder what the problem is and figure out how to solve it.

Because it can happen more often with iPhones, Android phone users might not be familiar with the occurrence. The biggest challenge is understanding how it affects all phone models that are capable of it.

There are potentially unfavorable reasons behind why it happens. They can include problems with the phone’s software, problem’s with it’s hardware, or an app causing it to malfunction.

Although it’s one of the last reasons anyone would want to think about and even hate to have happen, hackers could possibly be involved. There’s no telling just how many clever hackers there could be.

Sometimes even the most sophisticated security can somehow be breached. This can be especially scary because the most sensitive information could end up in the possession of dangerous people.

The good news is that the likelihood of it happening is very slim. The ultimate goal is bringing the likelihood all the way down to zero. That can still be a challenge in itself.

There are also more favorable reasons. With certain phones, the LED flashing is a way to notify a user about specific occurrences. They can include updates, alerts, calls, and notifications.

If someone happens to be dealing with an impairment, it’s both necessary and helpful for the phone flashing feature to be used.

Being able to pinpoint an exact reason can sometimes be challenging. If you find that you’re ultimately unable to do so, it may be necessary to seek expert help.

Just when you think you know every possible reason, a newly undiscovered reason will eventually arise.

Know What You Prefer To Have Your Phone Do

More than half of the world’s population is using the camera phone. Not being able to recognize certain phone behaviors can cause confusion.

It’s fair to say that any phone has the potential to act strange and the strange happening could become something even bigger beyond the user’s control.

The odds of any unexpected developments can be both undetermined and undefined which can further make them difficult to explain.

Sometimes you can never really know what unexpected occurrences will happen next or when. As long as the phone user has the necessary control, choosing all phone settings based on preference can make for easier use.

Hopefully this information has been helpful and you were able to find what you were looking for. There will be more updates made as new information becomes available.

Do you have any thoughts that you might like to share? Any and all are welcome. Thank you, dear readers!

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Why Are There Phone Numbers With More Or Less Than Ten Digits?

Number Patterns Have Their Purposes

It’s become common practice to dial phone numbers to get in contact with other people. It hasn’t always been that way. Technology had to come a long way to reach that point.

In past eras, dialing phone numbers was not yet a requirement. Methods were significantly different then.

Although it’s all become more sophisticated, we as phone users have learned to eventually adapt to new ideas and changes.

What Is The Most Common Amount Of Digits In A Phone Number?

Although it can vary by area, the most common amount of digits for phone numbers have often been as much as 10. However, the amount can be less for other places.

In some areas of the world, the amount of digits can possibly be as low as 4 to 5. There are many countries, cities, islands, and the like with names that many people have never been heard of before.

When you’re not accustomed to it, you might ask yourself how it’s possible. There are always going to be reasons behind it.

One valid reason can be that people in their respective home areas that are used to it and know how their phone numbering plans work best. Another reason can relate to what kind of numbering plan is being used for a particular area.

If you can visit a set number of places internationally, you may experience how their respective phone numbers work compared to what you’re normally used to.

Here’s a random example. If you live in the US and travel to a different state, there won’t be much of a difference in the phone digit pattern.

If you travel beyond the US or even North America, the difference in phone digit patterns will potentially be more noticeable.

Why Are There Phone Numbers With More Than Ten Digits?

One common reason for it is when a phone number requires one or more additional digit to be pressed first before regularly dialing the rest of the number.

The amount of digits used in a phone number often varies from place to place. This can also have a possible effect on your mobile device in a way where number formatting may become slightly altered.

Another reason can depend on the location since some areas do use more than ten digits. The advancement of technology has been playing a pivotal role in that consistently.

Countries like China, Argentina, and Iran can have up to 11 digits. Although they’re not the only ones, there’s no official count on how many places have the same amount or more.

Many areas can even have multiple sets of numbers at a time. The breakdowns on how it works in different places all have their own process.

If you were to move somewhere else, it’s likely that you have to learn how the number system works in that respective area.

What Phone Numbers Have The Most Digits?

There will never be a Guinness World Record for the longest phone number. The maximum amount of digits any phone number can have at one time is 15. The reason for this is all due to the international numbering plan.

It’s not entirely clear what phone numbers hold the maximum amount of 15 digits. However, there have been phone numbers that have come close to it. It ultimately comes down to every part of a phone number and what it may entail.

Having a set amount of digits in a phone number is necessary. Having an excessive amount can overcomplicate the purpose of how a phone number is meant to work.

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What’s Purpose Of Certain Phone Numbers Starting With Plus 1?

Phone Numbers Have Evolved

Over time, the ways have changed on how we dial phone numbers. Now, all it takes is to simply press a set of buttons and wait for a call to go through.

You want to be sure that you’re dialing a number with the appropriate amount of digits required. You also want to make sure that the number you dial is in service of course.

It’s never a good idea to abuse the purpose of number dialing or abuse phone privileges in general. There can be repercussions that can come with it.

Take prank calls for instance. It’s not recommended to make those kinds of calls. No one wants those kinds of calls to potentially be traced. It’s also unwise to make false emergency calls. No arrests need to be made.

What Does The +1 Mean?

The +1 is a code used in much of North America. Countries like the US and Canada use it frequently. It can also be used in other areas in the vicinity including Caribbean areas and Pacific coast areas.

The number codes are mostly referred to as country codes. There are several other names for it. There are up to 9 of these codes in the world because there are 9 world zones.

These codes are categorized based on world zone. The order goes from +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, to +9. Since North America is categorized as world Zone 1, the corresponding country code is +1.

This is supposed to apply mainly to mobile phones. However, landline phones may also require you to press 1 first before regularly dialing a phone number. Although it’s not exactly a “+1”, the same rule of pressing 1 before dialing still seems to apply.

For smartphones and iPhones, the +1 can be seen. This could even happen with any flip phone users. A phone user can check his or her contacts and choose any name at random.

They will notice that all the numbers will have a +1 in front. Though it may seem like it’s something of a default, many cell phones are already preprogrammed that way.

The +1 is used on an international scale and has since become something of a normality. It didn’t exist at first but it did develop over time. This was attributed by one of the most famous and popular phone companies in the world.

When Did It All Start?

Although it did not become ingrained straight away. Interestingly, the concept came about in the 1940s in North America. It would also go into effect around that same time.

The effects of it didn’t really become felt for everyone at the same time. It had to start somewhere first with that “somewhere” being North America and then eventually going from nationwide to worldwide.

It’s growth increased on an unprecedented scale from the 1990s to the 2000s. This would also trigger other numerous ways of electronic communication aside from cell phones.

The phone company responsible for developing this concept is AT&T. The concept is a part of what is called a telephone numbering plan.

For most of North America, the corresponding plan is the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). North American countries like Mexico is not part of said plan.

Why Does It Happen?

The aforementioned reason behind it all stems from the numbering plan that AT&T developed. Every smartphone and iPhone in North America is affected by it and is categorized into a calling code.

So if you receive a call from one area far enough outside your local area, it will likely have a +1 in the front. In the US, it can vary from state to state. This can also apply for Canada’s provinces as well as areas areas of the Caribbean.

However, the +1 can possibly still be seen even when receiving an incoming call from a local number.

That may seem confusing but it’s nothing to really be alarmed by. The numbers are just getting rerouted.

What If You Don’t Need The Plus 1?

Ultimately, dialing +1 is commonly required. There have been many instances when an automated voice has said to dial a 1 first. It’s usually required when making a call to an area outside your region.

For more peculiar reasons, it might still be required even if a call is to be made within your region. Because phone numbers work differently depending on the area, the requirements can vary.

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Mobile With The Power: It’s One Of The Greatest Rulers

Mobile Impact Has Never Been Greater Than It Is Now

Ever since the turn of the 21st century, mobile technology has made an impact so monumental that even words can never sum everything up. With that newfound impact, it’s been able to put the world in an advantageous position like never before.

As we move forward, our ways of life will continue to take effect. An extraordinary force to reckoned with, the world is even better now that there’s mobile with the power.

How do you feel about how far we’ve come? Do you ever wonder what might be in store for us in the future? There are many questions. Many of them haven’t been answered and many have even been asked yet.

It’s been said that tomorrow’s a mystery. There are many mysteries that may forever go unsolved. We can try to solve some of them. Sometimes you just never really know how everything might turn out.

The Greater Technology Becomes, The Stronger It Becomes

The 2000s have been very interesting and exciting times. Mobile technology has become one of the most powerful and unstoppable forces the world has ever seen. It’s been continuing to benefit us in so many ways.

It’s helped make communication better, improve efficiency in productivity, improve networking, increase in the gain of greater access to other platforms, and other advancements.

Communication Truly Is Key

Communication has been a way of sharing information even long before it was even given that term. It’s evolved so much that there are many methods of it.

Verbal, nonverbal, and written communication has since become the most common. The methods do get even more specific. There are even some that are considered to be ancient. 

With verbal communication, it can get a bit complicated when two people are not speaking in the same language. When that’s the case, it can be very difficult or even impossible to get a message across.

Thankfully, there are people who translate what another person is saying. Not only that but now there are special tools that can be used when translation is needed. More advancements that come with time, help make verbal communication better.

Some methods of nonverbal communication are easier to recognize than others. This kind of communication can have its challenges when someone is not familiar with certain methods and is not able to pick up on certain signals.

Methods of nonverbal communication can include, hand gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body contact, sign language, and others. All of these ways are powerful.

Then there are other communication methods. Some are more ancient while others are more modern to a degree. These methods can include flares, smoke signals, symbols, paintings, morse code, writing, and other methods that may not be widely known.

Because not everywhere has access to advanced technology, older forms of communication may have to be used instead. For the areas of the world that do have advanced technology, it has incredible power.

 Productivity Has Its Importance

Many of us are always looking to get things done. Mobile technology really has come through when it comes to being productive.

And in this day and age, it has now become even more of a necessity than ever. So much so that we tend to rely on it at a constant and increasing level. When it comes to working, that’s very true.

Certain jobs and professions require constant moving and mobile technology is ideal for work efficiency. You could use your phone to create a list of things to do if you might be in for a busy day. You could be on a business trip and are likely to use your laptop, tablet, or iPad.

You could be a driver and you might need to use a GPS navigator. You could be an influencer on social media and might want to use your phone to take pictures to post on the official profiles you may have on internet platforms. 

There are still jobs that might not rely very heavily on mobile technology for one reason or another. We’ve gone years and centuries previously without it.

When it comes to being a farmer, for example, that tends to ring true. For the most part, the mass majority of jobs in the world use some form of technology.

Networking Can Have Its Way Of Connecting With Others

It’s become bigger and more diverse for as long as it’s been a way to contact new people. It can help when it comes to the development of partnerships or just simply connecting with people that share interests similar to yours.

If you’re doing it from a professional standpoint, it can be helpful in your career. Professional or not, it can create more opportunities.

Networking can actually be a powerful way of extending your reach to others. If you’re looking to establish and make a name for yourself, then it’s not really a bad place to start.

Since networking can also be a form of social media, its power might surprise you. If it’s something that you think you’ll start doing, it’s always good to have plans set in place.

Gaining Greater Access To New Platforms Online Is Fantastic

Ever since the popularity of the computer and mobile phone, there have been advancements to create what we know as mobile devices. We now have laptops, iPhones, tablets, and iPads. There are bound to be new gadgets in the future.

All of these devices can give you access to the internet. The number is sure to grow in the future and it will only increase mobile power.

You can visit countless sites. You may not be able to do so or even use a mobile device based on certain reasons. Internet connection might not be strong, site availability can depend on the location, there may be some restrictions, you might not have any access to mobile technology, or other reasons that can be complicated.

With Mobile Power, Trends Always Have A Way Of Being Involved

This topic is very common. The idea of it wasn’t understood in the beginning. No one really knows exactly where that beginning was. When the idea finally did become recognized, its identity expanded to a degree so great that it’s impossible to measure.

It’s evident that trends have the ability to demonstrate longevity. Many have existed before many of us were even born. There are also many that haven’t become reality yet.

Some may have been forgotten while others may have been brought back and revived. Who doesn’t love a good trend? Ever since the 2000s, trends have taken on a much wider scale.

Globally, trends have been keeping the world interested and interesting. There’s plenty of fun to have with them. In a way, they have the power to bring people together. There are many positives to trends that are here to stay.

Then there are trends that are more short-lived. This is not to say that all of them are bad but there have been some that have been exactly that. This is especially true when we hear about internet challenges.

Many of them have come and gone. Many of them are of actual merit while others aren’t as much. Trends can be difficult to avoid and there’s always one that people will follow.

There have been unfortunate incidents regarding challenges because the risks is always there. Ideally, it’s not worth any risk. Those who are very young might not fully understand that. 

Anyone can be caught in the hype of what might be buzzing on the internet. This is one of the most common things that can happen and it can happen often. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a step back to analyze certain scenarios.

Then there are other scenarios that shouldn’t really need a judgment call when being logical. This is how things are in today’s world and there’s no telling what kinds of turns trends will take next. Nowadays, entertainment is one of those many aspects that are hard for the world to go without.

There’s No Stopping The Dominance Of Mobile Power

With how far we’ve come with mobile technology, there are no signs of slowing down. With more evolution, there’s going to be more variety. The mobile world is on the verge of continued growth.

What will be the next thing that adds more mobile power? Your guess is as good as mine. Only time will tell and we’ll eventually find out.

I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to share your comments. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.


Product Reviews

BLU G91 Pro Android 11 Phone Review

Product: BLU G91 Pro | 2022 | 3-Day Battery | Unlocked | 6.7” Full HD+ Display | 128GB | 48MP Quad Camera | US Version | US Warranty | Graphite 

Place To Buy:

Model Name: G91 Pro

Wireless Carrier: Unlocked for all Carriers

Brand: BLU

Memory Storage: 128 GB

Operating System: Android 11

Color: Graphite

Cellular Technology: 4G

Included Components: Adapter, Screen Protector

Screen Size: 6.7 inches

Manufacturer: BLU

Year: 2022

My Rating: 9.5 out of 10

BLU G91 Pro Android 11 Phone, Review

There’s a wide range of benefits to having a phone. There is a massive array of features that can be found on a single phone. The convenience of it is unlike anything we could ever imagine.

While there are many advantages, there are also potential risk factors. Those risk factors include possible interior or exterior phone damage, the compromise of personal information, theft, hacking, and other factors.

With the BLU G91 Pro Android 11, there plenty to be intrigued by. For any current flip phone users who may be looking to make an upgrade, this could be a good match.

For anyone who’s never had experience using a smartphone or is looking to switch over to one from an iPhone, the BLU G91 Pro Android 11 is bound to be a good choice to transition to.

The BLU G91 Pro Android 11 is not the most well known and is far from being the biggest trending phone . Having the most famous and most popular is not the point. It’s never really been about either of those things. There are many smartphones and iPhones that people use.

There’s No Way To Go Wrong With The Pros

One pro is that this particular BLU G91 Pro is inexpensive. Eventually, the price may change. Reasons often very when talking about price fluctuation.

If you have no intention of purchasing a certain phone upon its official release due to the cost, then waiting until the price drops can have have its benefits.

Another nice pro is its display. The display has a size of 6.7 inches, the LCD (liquid-crystal display) is at 1080p, a PPI (Pixels Per Inch) of 395, an aspect ratio of 20:9, and a 16-megapixel camera.

The next pro is a big one and is a huge attraction. Its internal storage is 128GB along with 6GB RAM and the MediaTek Helio G90 processor.  Additionally, storage can reach a maximum of 256GB with the use of a micro SD card.

When it comes to storage, keep in mind that apps may take up more storage space as they update over time. Uninstalling apps you don’t use or need can help balance out the internal storage.

Another big pro is that the BLU G91 Pro has wireless charging. In addition, it is also capable of supporting 10-watt wireless charging.

The next pro is also big. This BLU G91 Pro, in particular, is unlocked to all carriers. It’s still no harm to contact your service provider for just good measure.

Continuing down the line with pros, it has a fingerprint sensor and also supports face unlock. With there being multiple methods of accessing the phone, it makes things easier.

The next big pro goes back to the camera which is a quad setup. The main camera is 48 megapixels, the ultra-wide-angle camera is 5 megapixels, the depth-sensing camera is 2 megapixels, and the macro camera is 2 megapixels. The BLU G91 Pro’s front and back cameras have portrait mode support.

Another ideal plus has to do with the video quality. If you want to record videos, the quality goes all the way up to 4K at 30 FPS (frames per second) with the rear camera. The front camera goes up to 1080p with the front-facing camera.

Wrapping up with pros, the next big one is the battery. It’s a large 5000 milliamp-hour battery with 30-watt fast charging.

Cons Can Have Ways Of Trying To Throw Anyone Off

The cons always try to ruin all things that are good.

One con is that the BLU G91 Pro does not come with a phone case. As it’s been mentioned before, this is something that’s usually expected. It’s not entirely common to receive a new phone along with a phone case but it’s still something that can possibly happen.

Although most don’t consider it to be a big deal, there can still be others who might have a critique or two about it.

On a similar note, another con is that it also does not come with a screen protector. This is an ongoing since a screen protector tends to not always be included with a phone. This can also possibly be something that some critics might make noise about.

If you want your phone screen to stay looking brand new, the addition of a strong screen protector will increase that possibilty. A new phone without a screen protector usually doesn’t bother most people but it can still be something that might receive a bit of criticism.

One significant con is that this BLU G91 Pro does not come with its own SIM card. This can be a cause for big a disappointment since more phones are requiring the use of SIM cards.

If a phone requires a SIM card, then it’s necessary for one to be included with a phone. Some people may not be bothered by this at all but sometimes there can be others who might point it out.

This next con can also be significant. This BLU G91 Pro, in particular, does not support 5G, NFC & 5Ghz wifi. This can be a potential critique. Without any of the three, wifi and location can possibly cause a fair amount of conflict.

Wrapping up with the cons, this one can also be significant. There are phones that don’t have NFC (Near Field Communication). The BLU G91 Pro is one of them.

With NFC, you can make contactless payments and secure transactions which is becoming more popular. There are smartphones that have the NFC feature.

So if you wanted to make payments on apps like Google Pay, you want to have NFC. If you have a phone with NFC and you’re looking to make an upgrade, then this TCL smartphone is not for you. If this is something that doesn’t bother you, then the BLU G91 Pro can still be a match made for you.

Overall, It’s Worth The Buy

Not everyone has the same preferences or holds the same standards. It’s common for others to be picky side when making certain choices. Some of us can be a bit more easy-going.

Some of us know exactly what we want. One specific product will never be able please every single person but it can still have a way of getting an audiences attention.

The BLU G91 Pro Smartphone 11 is very much the same way. Although we don’t exactly how many BLU G91 Pro Smartphone 11 user there are, it’s safe to say that there is likely a fair amount of users.

This might not be the phone that everyone is looking for. It also may not be everyone’s first or final choice. When weighing out all of the factors, the phone chosen depends on the user.

I hope that you enjoyed this review. If you have any questions about the BLU G91 Pro Smartphone 11 or want to give your own opinions, feel free to share your comments.

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Articles Information

A Mobile Kingdom: It’s Become A Land Of Promise

It’s Grown Into Something Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

Mobile technology has become so vast that it literally can’t be measured. Many of us have grown to fall in love with it in one way or another. It’s become something that we’ve developed the habit of relying on more and more.

It started off as something small before it became a realm of its very own. This would ultimately change the face of everything that surrounds technology on a worldwide scale. A ruler in its own way and in its own right, it’s become quite a mobile kingdom.

Can you imagine the amount and depth of information there is now compared to how much there was in earlier years? It’s very overwhelming for anyone. There’s no way to be able to learn and know everything about it.

That would take an unimaginable amount of time. The amount of information that exists now continues to increase even as we speak. We can only imagine what will come next.

It Began In More Than One Place

Everything starts off from the simplest forms. We won’t get into science but that tends to be one of the main principles. When it comes to mobile technology, not all aspects came about at the same time. 

Timelines of events would need to be taken into account. Mobile technology development stretches as far back as the early 1970s. It was around that time when the beginning of a new foundation would ultimately grow to become one of the greatest of all.

With the making of the very first mobile device, a great deal of development and experimentation followed suit. With the resulting development, competition would eventually follow. It would still be a long time before the mobile competition started succeeding in attracting public attention.

The Spark Had To Come First

Before there was the fire, there was the growing flame. Before there was even a flame, there was a spark that would start an eventual fire.

You might be thinking of Billy Joel’s, “We Didn’t Start The Fire”. Well, it’s true that he didn’t start this one. Going back to the spark, it also has to do with when it happened.

With the arrival of the first mobile device, sparks would start to fly. It would still be a long time before the kingdom would amount to much more.

Payphones, pagers, and regular telephones were still being frequently used for the next two decades. At the same time, the development and popularity of the mobile phone would also continue to increase with every passing decade.

It was not until the 1990s when its popularity really started to gain a massive amount of traction. Cordless home phones would start to pick up steam and still continue to have an impact today. That’s not even the tip of the iceberg.

A life-changing transition into the 2000s would forever be a game changer. The 2000s would lead to flip phone popularity after its arrival in the late 1990s.

You may be surprised by the fact that the first smartphone actually made its first appearance in the early 1990s. This would allow the smartphone to have full advantage for at least over the next decade and a half.

Cell phone evolution would be forever changed with the invention of the iPhone in the late 2000s. As of now, the iPhone is the leader when it comes to phone popularity.

The Spark Became A Flame And Then A Raging Fire

The growth of a mobile technology continued to be felt. With the arrival of the laptop in the 1980s, it was the dawning of a new era. It didn’t start to hit its popularity stride until the mid to late 2000s.

We now live in times where laptops will forever exceed the popularity of the desktop computer. However, the popularity of the laptop has constantly been challenged by its later developed counterparts.

The evolution continued with the birth of some of the most popular mobile device hybrids. First is the tablet. Many of us may find it surprising to know that the tablet goes back as far as the late 1980s.

Its original name was the GridPad which some considered to be the first tablet. The late 2000s to early 2010s would be where its popularity started to surge.

The 2010s saw the arrival of the iPad. Similar to tablet, it became one of most popular mobile devices competing very heavily with the tablet. Several variations or types of iPads have since hit the mainstream. The question is, what new excitement will come next?

With Mobile Growth, Trends Have Become Constant

We can never really escape the popularity of trends. This topic is often discussed on a daily basis and also ties into the constant change of the times. In reality, trends have had a long-lasting effect on populations on a global scale.

All time periods have their own differences. Trends is a term that we’ve come to know very well. Sometimes the amount of popularity can be a bit complicated. Trends can reach all kinds of audiences all over the world. Some become the most popular overnight while others do at a slower pace.

Trends have become a part of society in numerous ways. Trends are followed all the time. Sometimes, you may even find yourself following one even when you don’t realize it.

Mobile web entertainment can even count as a trend. Many of us look to the internet for it. That’s still something that should be done with care and common sense.

Internet challenges are a perfect example of a trend. Some of them can have purposeful meaning and depth to them. That’s always a good thing. Then there are others that don’t really have much meaning other than just for the sake of being followed.

Sometimes certain ideas and concepts of fun can backfire to the point where they can go overboard. An example of going overboard would be when something results in unwanted harm or worse.

It’s obvious that misfortune can happen to anyone at any age. As much as I hate to say it, we live in a world and in time where things wouldn’t be as exciting if trends didn’t exist. There can always be excitement and entertainment. Ideally, we want the safe kind.

Mobile Technology Is The True King Of Its Kingdom

The work of building a foundation took a matter of years and decades. All of the effort that was put in resulted in great things happening.

The vastness and diversity of mobile technology is overwhelming. Changing with the times is not easy for everyone. It can seem a bit scary sometimes.

Some can adapt faster than others. Many people are born in different lifetimes and are brought up differently. Sometimes certain changes can’t be controlled. Change can still be good for us. It can help make things better and potentially make us better.

I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to share your comments. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.