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Entertainment With Mobile: We Can Watch And Enjoy

You Can Never Get Enough Of It When It’s Fun

Being able to go on the internet with the use of a mobile device is always a plus. For many us, we know what it was like to not have that yet.

With the way we look at technology now, the amount of things we can do when going mobile seem endless. It can be very helpful and it can be a lot of fun. This can hold true when you look to get entertainment with mobile.

In the past, entertainment could be found and presented to us in many different ways. Times were different before and it eventually comes to a point when we all learn to change with the times. We may not always like it and it’s not always easy because it can depend on certain circumstances.

In times when we do like change, it can be good especially if it can be for the better. That’s the way of the world. Some of you now might be thinking that I’m referencing Earth, Wind & Fire. Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. Either way, it’s a great song.

“Going Mobile” Eventually Became Popular Globally

Yes, I know that’s another song reference and I’ll bet many of you didn’t know that before. Only this time, that wasn’t really part of my plan. This time it’s more natural.

It may not exactly be an official saying per se but The Who just might be the ones to thank for the head start. It would eventually give more meaning to “going mobile”. That can prove true when it comes to mobile technology.

The 2000s would start a mobile revolution. Cell phones and laptops began to take the world by a massive storm. They both became something of catalysts for new creations made by other developers. This set the bar for what would come next.

There Are Many Ways Of Finding Entertainment

Many us tend to forget or don’t realize how fortunate we are to have now what we didn’t have before. Generations before us have survived without the computers, cellphones, laptops, tablets, iPads and other gadgets that today’s world has become accustomed to.

Even still, there are other parts of the world that don’t even have one single form of technology. It could be because of culture, location, poverty, personal choice and other factors that could coincide with the mentioned reasons here.

So with mobile entertainment, it can be done by using a mobile device. That also includes all the ones that have been mentioned above. With those methods, can world wide web has a lot to offer.

You can listen to and download music. You can watch movies on streaming services. You can play games on websites and apps. You can watch videos on your favorite internet platforms.

These video platforms can be anywhere from YouTube, Twitch, IBM Cloud Video, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Flickr and even more.

For movies and shows, you can watch from platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube TV, HBO Max, Apple TV, Disney+, Discovery+ and more.

There are also plenty of choice platforms for music lovers. These platforms include, iTunes, Pandora, Tidal, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Prime Music or Amazon Music Unlimited, SiriusXM, YouTube Music, and more.

Competition Can Affect Entertainment Sites And Platforms

For those of us who remember Myspace, Napster and Limewire, they also have music downloading and streaming background. Myspace was the most popular platform during the mid to late 2000s. It was a massive draw because it was mainly for social media purposes.

Unfortunately, it experienced a massive fall in traction due to competition and poor management. As of the 2020s, it’s still up and running but is nowhere near its former standings in popularity. It’s still has a fairly large amount of users. The platform is now used mainly for music.

Napster came before Myspace. It’s sole purpose was for music downloading and file sharing showing popularity power. Unfortunately, the site would be plagued with legal battles regarding copyright infringement. This came from music and file sharing from site users.

Napster would be subjected to a lawsuit that ultimately could not be recovered from. As a result, Napster filed for bankruptcy and would subsequently shut down in the early 2000s. The site with its name is still online but now runs as Rhapsody.

Limewire faced similar complications. Similar to Napster, it’s purpose was also for music downloading and file sharing. As a matter of fact, it actually picked up where Napster left off. It would also go on to see its massive surge in popularity.

Unfortunately, it would experience its own legal battles with the main one being copyright infringement. The music industry is cutthroat and does not like having its secrets revealed. As a result, Limewire would also never recover from the lawsuit filed against them. The site would shut down in the early 2010s with nothing running in its place.

Trends Can Also Be A Form Of Entertainment In Popular Culture

Here’s where trends get revisited. This topic tends to constantly g and is often demonstrated by the masses. In reality, trends have been a long-lasting sensation for centuries now.

Every time period has differences that stand out. Anything can become a trend very easily. A trend’s popularity level can vary. How much one could gain can be dependent on how much exposure one gets.

Trends have been playing one of the biggest roles when it comes to the changing of the times. If you were to tell me that you’ve never followed a single trend in your life, I know you would be lying.

Mobile entertainment can even count as a trend. Many of us look to the internet for it. That’s still something that should be gone about with care and logic.

Certain trends can have a bad influence on others. This can escalate to the point where certain trends can be riduculous and even have the potential to become dangerous.

That can be a particular problem when we talk about children because children will follow trends too. They could possibly look at any video and follow it blindly.

A perfect example of this is internet challenges. There are some that can have purposeful meaning and depth to them. Then there can be others that don’t really have much meaning other than just for the sake of being followed.

Sometimes certain ideas and concepts of fun can backfire to the point of going too far. In fact, it can go so far that it can result in unwanted injury or even tragedy at the worst.

It doesn’t happen with just only children, it can happen with teens and even adults. Sometimes it’s just a matter of analyzing something and using sound judgment. And so you have to wonder sometimes by asking this question, “Is it really worth it?”.

That all depends on what the trend might be. It can be true that things wouldn’t be as exciting if we didn’t have trends to keep us entertained. There can still be excitement and entertainment that doesn’t need to involve actual harm.

The Strength In The Mobile World Still Grows

We really are living in interesting times. With everything we have and the many years it took to have them, we can easily forget how good we have it. We’re bound to have so much more.

Some of us may find ourselves wondering what future technology is waiting to be made and introduced next. The developers and inventors will be the ones to know firsthand while the entire world will be patiently waiting.

It took a great deal of work from innovators and all who were involved in some form. Look at where we are with technology now. It will only improve and evolve going forward. With old styles, there will be new ones. As the times keep changing, we learn to change along with them.

I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to comment. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.

4 replies on “Entertainment With Mobile: We Can Watch And Enjoy”

Technology is advancing quickly! I could show you some fossils, we still have our original cell phones! (laughs) Those big chunky things that had a huge case! Oh, yea, no pocket phones back then! Back when I was a kid I could have never imagined being able to watch a movie on a device I could hold in my hand! Interesting article, thank you for a trip down memory lane! 

I’m glad that this gives you happy memories. I also still have a few past phones myself. The same goes with a laptop I’ve had since 2009 that I don’t use anymore. It’s amazing how times change. We’ll see what surprises are in store for the future. 

The ease at which the mobile phone gives one access to a lot of things iis just so overwhelming. With a mobile phone connected to the internet, one can easily get access to information and entertainment. And lately, its been super fun being able to get entertained on mobile phones. The ease and comfort is just so much, it doesn’t matter where you are, just some few clicks and you are in!

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