Mobile Domination Has Changed The World
In many ways, it can be overwhelming when it comes to mobile technology. Despite that, there are also ways of enjoying it and having fun with it. Ever since it’s become a part of everyday life, it can be hard to go without it.
That can be true especially during times when it might be needed most. Once the 2000s came forth, it would start the beginning of a new era. With the turn of the century, the world has gone global with mobile.
Things were more of an elementary nature before. Sometimes simpler can be better. The same can be said about sophistication. As times became more modern, the more advanced technology became. That’s what can be expected in the present and future.
Before The Big Boom, It Came From Humble Beginnings
History tells us that the invention of the first mobile device was as early as the 1940s. It was not until the early 1970s when the first mobile device was produced.
A company called Motorola started it all. The company is now no longer running and has since closed its doors in the early 2010s. The company is what gave everything a jump start.
The mobile phone eventually found its way. Althought its popularity wasn’t playing a factor yet, the build up was still a step in the right direction. The world was still used to the more simplistic and basic counterparts.
At the same time, the popularity of mobile devices would continue to increase with time. This was confirmed in the early 1980s when the laptop made it on to the scene.
It’s not entirely clear exactly as to what the first laptop was nor the exact year it was introduced. It’s often said that it was the year 1981 that the first laptop was invented. This has never been officially confirmed.
What is known for sure is that it was Adam Osborne who made it possible. Historians decided that a device called the Osborne 1 would be recognized as the first official laptop.
Coming to the mobile phone, it started to gain traction during the later part of the 1990s. As it became more frequently used, its earlier counterparts started to gradually fade into the background. Everything continued to evolve and become more sophisticated.
Cordless home phones would start to pick up steam and still continue to have an impact in this day and age. It’s evolved counterpart would become known as the cell phone.
Mobile Evolution Continued To Build Strength
Cell phones would eventually gain traction like never before. Thanks to the evolution of technology, it makes life that much easier for us to have even better communication with one another.
Now, we live in times where iPhones and smartphones are the stars of the cell phone world. For the smartphone, we have the IBM or International Business Machines Corporation to thank for that. We also have Steve Jobs to thank for the massively successful creation of the iPhone.
We also live in times where laptops will forever exceed the popularity of the desktop computer. However, the popularity of the laptop has constantly been challenged by its later developed counterparts. The evolution of technology has brought even more excitement.
Many of us are familiar with the tablet and the iPad. In a way, both of these mobile devices are evolved forms of the laptop. The main difference is that both the tablet and iPad emerge at later times.
They both are also portable but smaller than the laptop which make them easier to carry around. Both the tablet and iPad act as hybrids of each other and their previous counterparts.
The tablet has joined the ranks as one of the most popular mobile devices. Many of us may find it surprising to know that the tablet goes back as far as the late 1980s. Ever since the turn of the 21st century, its became hot commodity.
As of the 2010s, the iPad has become one of the most recent mobile devices. In the future, new ones will emerge. Because of the man who brought us the iPhone, it also brought us the iPad.
It’s become very popular among mobile device users and often battles the tablet. With more mobile devices entering the mainstream, it expands on the competition which follows. Anyone can imagine how many more will reach audiences worldwide.
Trending Would Soon Become More Popular Than Ever
You can never have a trend without there being a source that starts it. Trends is a kind of topic that tends to constantly get brought up and is often demonstrated by the masses. In reality, trends have been a long-lasting sensation for centuries now.
Every year, every decade and every century has been different. A trend can be anything. Sometimes the amount of popularity a trend may receive depends on how far it can globally reach the masses.
Trends can also play a role when it comes to the changing of the times. If you were to tell me that you’ve never followed a single trend in your life, I know you would be lying.
Mobile entertainment can even count as a trend. Many of us look to the internet for it.That’s still something that should be gone about with care and common sense.

Sometimes, certain trends can also have a bad influence on others. So much so that the trends can be foolish and can even have the potential of being dangerous.
That can be a particular problem when we talk about children because children will follow trends too. They can look at a video and blindly follow one.
A perfect example of this is internet challenges. There are some that can have purposeful meaning and depth to them. Then there can be others that don’t really have much meaning other than just for the sake of being followed.
Sometimes certain ideas and concepts of fun can backfire to the point of going too far. In fact, it can go so far that it can result in unwanted injury or even tragedy at the worst.
It doesn’t happen with just only children, it can happen with teens and even adults. Sometimes it’s just a matter of analyzing something and using sound judgement. And so you have to wonder sometimes by asking this question, “Is it really worth it?”.
I guess that would depend on what the trend might be. I suppose it’s true that things wouldn’t be as exciting if we didn’t have trends to keep us entertained. There can still be excitement and entertainment that doesn’t need to involve actual harm.
It Doesn’t Get Any Bigger Than Being Global
The mobile world is bound to expand and it’s exciting that can be a part of it. As mobile technology keeps improving, it continues to gain in power. With added power, the world could be in for amazing and surprising sensations. In the meantime, we all are just going to have to wait. Chances are the wait will ultimately be well worth it.
I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to share your comments. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.
4 replies on “Global With Mobile: Its Power Is Unstoppable”
I didn’t know that Motorola was the first company to bring out a cell phone. I expected it to be Apple for some reason, but see Steve Jobs only brought that in later.
Things have changed so much since then as phones have gotten smaller and cheaper to run, which means that mobile is accessible to everyone. It really brought back memories seeing that photo you have there of all the old phones.
Now we can’t imagine a world with out our mobile phone. Can you see any great new changes in the foreseeable future regarding mobile devices?
For a long time, I didn’t know either. It wasn’t until shortly after high school that my curiosities became strong enough to where I wanted to do some reading about the origins of the mobile phone. We really have a lot to thank Steve Jobs for. I feel that he’s never gotten the proper credit and respect that he deserves.
I’m glad I could help bring some memories back. Evolution shows real power. Although it’s hard to tell what will come next, I can envision new improvements and advancements that can be of great help to us. Anyone can take a guess just like you and I can. Every day, we get closer to that future and our questions will be answered.
The mobile explosion in recent years has been fascinating to watch and be a part of. I think we all expected that it could bring us closer with more access and lower costs associated with communication, but maybe we should have been more careful with how we allow our data to be collected and used. Mobile definitely has tremendous power, but it also needs to be aware of the responsibility that comes with that power too.
It’s amazing how much of a force it is. It has its pros but it also has its cons. I have to agree with you about the responsibility. Since there are now tools available that we can use to help protect our data, we can add security layers that will strengthen our protection. As long as the entirety of mobile has control, it will forever thrive. As long as we have control, we will also keep thriving.