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Mobile Device Chargers: They Can Save Lives, Battery Lives

Your Device Can Only Last But So Long Without One

As it’s been mentioned numerous times before, technology continues to evolve constantly. As it continues to do so, the already countless array of gadgets and electronics will only grow. There is an incredibly wide range of devices and gadgets that run on batteries for proper function. Many of them require charging. With any mobile device, it will need a mobile device charger.

Anyone who owns a mobile device of some kind knows that a device will shut down if it doesn’t get plugged into a charger in time. If it were children, many of them might not understand unless it happens to them. Then there are children that do know better but still will let it happen anyway. I know this because I’ve seen it happen before and surely it still does. Chances are many of you may have seen it too. We all have to learn the hard way sometimes.

Time Has Evolved The Ways Batteries Can Function

Before there were battery chargers, people lived in a time where they didn’t really have a choice but to use batteries that would eventually die. Believe it or not, battery chargers actually started to exist more than half way into the 19th century. It’s hard to believe that it goes back that far. When battery chargers became a reality, it would eventually change the way that we look at technology.

Now there are different kinds of batteries that have their own specific purposes thanks to the constantly growing technology in the world. It’s usually the leading areas of the world that tend to have the most advantage with the most advanced technology.

The Battery Breakdowns Are Wider In Range Than You Think

The truth is, the mass majority of us will never really know every kind of battery since there are so many of them. The battery categories are apparently broken up into 2 basic types, primary and secondary. With primary types, batteries can’t be recharged. With the secondary types, batteries are rechargeable.

From there, the battery varieties can get further broken down into more detailed (sub)categories or cells since there’s now an immense range of them. That’s where it can get more complex. Because there’s such a wide variety, covering them all here would take a matter of weeks and months.

Back in the day, rechargeable batteries were not as popular or as accessible as they are now. Sometimes location can have an impact on accessibilty as some parts of the world don’t have the same things as other parts of the world. That still happens to be the case now even though technology has come a long way. Culture and living conditions can also have a significant impact on accessibilty.

This is not to say that the more equipped areas of the world have never had or still don’t have drawbacks every once in a while. An area with great accessibility can still be impacted by a particularly unfavorable event. Sometimes we forget just how fortunate we are to have the kind of leverage we have now. This is where the main focus will be shifted back to the mobile devices that are rechargeable. They include laptops, cell phones, iPads, iPods, MacBooks, AirPods and more. Chances are you’re using one of them right now as you continue to read on.

Chargers For Devices With Secondary Batteries

With the many devices we use, they also run on batteries. The are 4 major of types of secondary batteries used for mobile devices. The most common and of them all is the Lithium-Ion. The other 3 types are the Lead-Acid, Nickel-Cadmium Batteries and Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries. Aside from the batteries, let’s tap into some of the different chargers for mobile devices.

Computer laptops are widely known to run on Lithium-Ion batteries and require a charger to maintain battery life. Keep in mind the laptops are not all made the same. There are different brands with different models and varieties are more than anyone can count. The laptop charger you see on the left is for HP users.

Mobile cell phones are also widely know to use Lithium-Ion batteries. Just like with laptops, phone chargers are not made the same either as they also vary by brand and model. iPhones have taken over in the phone popularity wars. The image you see on the right is an iPhone charger for iPhone users.

Tablets and iPads have developed popularities of their own ever since their respective 1994 and 2010 debuts. Tablets and iPads tend to act as hybrids of their counterparts. A tablet looks like a giant phone but operates as a computer. An iPad is ultimately like a cross between a computer laptop and a touchscreen phone. An example of a charger for iPad users is on the lower left while one for tablet users is on the lower right.


The competition between the Tablet and the iPad has been fierce. These days, it’s been the iPad that’s been taking the crown in popularity. Until the eventual time when the next big device takes over in the hottest trending topics, the iPad still looks like it will be holding on to that title for that much longer.

Your Preference Is Your Own

Technology can be a bit overwhelming to some. With a bit of help on how certain things work, there can be much more ease and clarity. It can be all up to personal preference. If there is a certain material and brand you’re happy with, you can always stick with it. Just know that things change constantly and being ready for it can put you one step ahead.

I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to comment. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.


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