Articles Information Protection

Waterproof Cell Phone Case: A Possible Future Trend

Best Case Scenario

That pun was intended by the way. With all the accessories that exist when it comes to a mobile phone, some have their ways of proving to be real game changers. A good example of that has to do with the waterproof cell phone case. Although it’s not exactly the most popular choice of ally, it’s numbers can grow and its reliability can prove worthy. So when exactly can we expect it to become one of the most talked about phone topics? That’s really hard to tell. We’ll just have to wait and find out.

Some Of Us Know The Feeling While Some Of Us Prefer Not To

Have you ever dropped your handheld mobile device in water? To be honest with you, I can’t really relate to that since I haven’t had that happen to me. For me to be that fortunate for such a long time, I look to keep it that way. I’m still not going to get overconfident about nor am I going to press my luck. Unless I want to play a foolish game, I’m not willing to do that.

The closest that it will ever happen to me is in one of two ways. First, it would have to happen if I was outside in the rain or at least if the ground is very wet with puddles around. Second, I would have to be near a body of water large enough to where the phone can become fully submerged. The chances of either one of those scenarios ever becoming a reality are very low. I’m not saying that it won’t ever happen. I just know how to keep those chances at a minimum.

Then there is an undefined number of us who have had misfortunes similar if not identical to the ones that I’ve described. You may come across internet videos where phones end up in water. That’s not something that I’m ever thrilled to see or be entertained by. Although phones are not the only kind of electronic devices to come in contact with water, the phone is the main focus here.

Water Has Ways To Cause Problems

I’m sure there are many of you who like to keep your phones nearby the swimming pool. That’s where the risk comes in. You know it’s there. You wouldn’t want to accidentally fall in the water while you have your phone on you. Just know that if it does happen, all may not be completely lost. There still could be a chance to save it. You would just have to act as quickly as possible.

Here is where we get into what you can do to possibly save it. If your phone impacts water, you want to retrieve at the soonest time you can. The next thing you want to do is make sure the phone is turned off if it’s not off already. You don’t want to turn it on at any point for any reason. You want to take every possible step to ensure that you’re following through with what you need to do. That’s just for the outside of the phone. Now the focus will be on the water inside the phone where more water could be.

You then want to use a dry towel to minimize the amount of water. The next part has gradually become something of a conflict. It’s said that dry rice should be used to extract as much water out of the phone as possible. The process is supposed to take a time period of up to three days. The conflict is that how effective the rice is at extracting the water from the phone can be dependent on what kind of rice is being used.

Then there’s a second option that’s been gradual in its surface. Silica has become the other talked about method for water extraction from phones. More specifically, silica bags. It’s not clear whether or not silica bags and rice can both be use together. In this case, keeping them separate from each other would be a sensible choice. Like the seemingly conflicting choice of rice, using silica bags can take a time period of up to three days.

After three days, you want to test your phone to find out how it performs. If the phone doesn’t work, then you may have to resort to getting phone insurance if you don’t already have it.

There Comes Times When Added Protection Is Needed

As expected, the kind of protection a mobile device needs can depend on the type of device and the circumstances. If you want to ensure your phone doesn’t get wet, that’s when you might want to invest in having a waterproof phone case. Sure it may seem a bit ridiculous to some, but it’s not something that should be underestimated. You could need for a particular reason.

What if you wanted to take a dive underwater? You might feel like you’ll be in the mood to take some pictures. You just want to be sure not to lose your phone while you’re underwater. There are people who do take pictures underwater. Waterproof phones do exist. If you don’t have one, then that’s when you want to equip yourself with a waterproof phone case.

Although waterproof phone cases can work wonders, they’re ultimately not invincible. Depending on how long the waterproof phone case can last underwater depends on the phone case type. This means that they’re not all created equal. If you have a waterproof phone case, you want to be mindful not to stay underwater for too long. Unfortunately, there are currently no existing phone cases that can last underwater for an unlimited time.

Technology hasn’t really gotten that far yet. We may have to keep in mind that it may never get that far. It’s still not a complete loss though because we still have some leverage to work with. We can only find out if the wait might be worth it.

You Just Might Like It If You Try It

Sometimes there’s just no telling how helpful something can be unless you give it a chance first before completely sidelining the idea. There’s the saying that goes like this: “Don’t knock it ’til you try it.” That can prove to be true in a some cases. It’s a matter of taking everything you can possible into account before making a final decision. Considering the possibilities can be worth it. With a good bit of thought, it could make things easier when there’s always a chance for it to.



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