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Mobile And Freedom: Many Parts Of The World Are Very Fortunate

We Have It A Lot Better Than We Think

Chances are you could be living in an area where mobile or computer technology is easily made available, easy to access or both. It’s likely that you own at least one form of mobile technology. If it’s not exactly within your reach, you might have your devices stored away. If not, than you might not even own your own device and may consider buying one or even two. Once you have at least one of them, you’ll know what it’s like having mobile and freedom.

It’s easy to take anything available to us for granted. Some areas of the world could be facing certain difficulties we may not even know about. Some areas are able to adapt without modern technology. There could even be areas that have never even heard of technology. It seems a bit farfetched but you can never really know. For all the Pokemon fans out there, I mean “farfetched” and not “Farfetch’d”. Oh yeah, and I’m not even going to think about bringing Pokemon GO into this. Let’s move on.

How Exactly Did We Get To This Point?

Well, there are many factors to it. We had to start somewhere. Before we gained any mobile advantage, we had to start with the stationary computer before building up from it. Without going back too far, computer advancement become a thing of reality in the early 20th century. It wasn’t until more than half way into the 20th century that mobile technology would become a reality.

Proof of that came in the 1990s when the popularity of the computer would start to become a sensation of its own. But even before that took place, the signs of evolution would soon continue becoming clear. The laptop didn’t come into existence until the early 1980s. It didn’t start to gaining serious traction until the mid to late 2000s. All of that would pave the way for new excitement.

The same goes for mobile phones. When the mobile phone was first produced, it wasn’t exactly one of the most popular sources of communication yet. Pay phones, pagers, and regular telephones were still being frequently used. At the same time, the popularity of the mobile phone would continue to increase with time. The mobile phone would also become known as a wireless phone. The cell phone would eventually evolve from the basic phone to the flip phone, then to the smartphone and then to the iPhone.

The evolution of technology has brought even more excitement. Many of us are familiar with the tablet and the iPad. In a way, both of these mobile devices are evolved forms of the laptop. They both are also portable but smaller than the laptop making them even easier to carry around. Both the tablet and iPad act as hybrids of each other and of their previous counterparts.

Not All Parts Of The World Have Technology

This is where freedom can be limited due to certain circumstances. When looking at less fortunate areas, there can be numerous reasons behind why technology has little to no presence. It could be because of the inability to afford it. This can be true if a certain place is in a state of poverty. There are many countries who experience that hardship. Even still, they are not to be underestimated. Just because a person, place or thing may be going through challenges, that doesn’t define them.

You could be the poorest person living in the poorest place in the world. That still doesn’t mean you’re incapable. It would just mean that there are more disadvantages. When technology is not a viable option, then it’s a matter of utilizing other resources that are available. There is hope though. When there are areas of the world experiencing everyday drawbacks, the areas of the world who are in much better positions can reach out to help them. Although certain problems to unfavorable conditions may never entirely be resolved, seizing the opportunity to help in improving conditions always means something.

Then there are other reasons as to why certain areas of the world may not have mobile technology or technology in general. It could possible have to do with cultures and customs. There are areas that can adapt and learn to live without it. Surely it doesn’t come so easy but it can be done. There may even be places in the world that have never even heard of technology let alone used it. That can be the case when there’s remote area with a reclusive population with no connection to the outside world.

The Differences Are Clear

Sometimes the freedom of people can be challenged. For the parts of the world that are more equipped, even they can also face obstacles of their own. Contributing to the aid of other countries can at times be one of those obstacles. There may be certain steps that need to be taken to ensure that everything can work out. It takes a great deal of care and effort in order to get the best outcome there is to achieve.

Can you imagine yourself in a position where you have little to no access to important resources? What if you didn’t have access to the resources that are critical for survival? Many lives have been lost due to dire situations that did have to do with being disadvantaged in more ways than one. There have also been situations where aid has been unsuccessful while trying to race against the clock to reach those who are in desperate need of it. 

It’s not only just providing technology aid to foreign countries. There can also be aid when it comes to finances, food, military, government, education, health care, humanitarian, equality and more. Not every country has the same amount of freedom as another. Some have more, some have less, and some have none at all. Countries helping one another is always a good sign of improvement.

If We Didn’t Have What We Have, The World Would Be Different

Anyone of us can wonder what it would be like without all of the things that have now become tied with our ways of living. People from different places already know because they’ve never had them and still don’t. We can only imagine how life would be different without mobile freedom. Sometimes just taking a moment to realize how far we’ve come as the fortunate ones can be a real eye opener. There’s always hope for the betterment of the future and for us to work towards achieving that will add to keeping that hope alive.

I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to share your comments. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.




4 replies on “Mobile And Freedom: Many Parts Of The World Are Very Fortunate”

I agree, we are honestly so blessed. I mean, I can now wear headphones, listen to whatever kind of music I want to listen to, and do it while I am at work. Being the position that I am in within 2021, I can’t even imagine what life was like for factory workers back in like 2003, with no music to listen to or anything. We have laws in the place where we can pretty much live whatever life we want to live. I am currently watching Game Of Thrones, and it makes me wonder how chaotic medieval times were. 

I mean, imagine just chilling and all of the sudden a group of bandits come and pillage all of your friends and family! Thats what 300 A.C was like. Now I can chill, watch the news on one of my monitors, and play videogames on the other monitor, how we have advanced!

It really is a lot to take in. I can say that I’m truly grateful. Ways of living continue to differ from place to place and from era to era. I find myself thinking about other parts of the world that don’t have it as good as others. It’s not too late because being able to aid them in any possible way is always a step in the right direction. We have so much to work with that it’s just overwhelming. It’s always a matter of wondering what’s next in store for us. In a way, it tends to be a recurring open-ended question. 

This is a great article but I do have one complaint, it is a bit difficult to read. This is something you might want to look into. Other than that, I really enjoyed reading this article. It is something I am not use to so I learned something new. I will be sure to share this article with friends and family. I am sure that they will appreciate it 

I’m glad that you find pleasure in reading what I write. There’s more to come. I’m always looking to extend my reach to anyone and everyone I can. I also look to get better as I keep going. Hopefully, with my future articles, the flow will become easier to follow. That’s what I always want to aim for and nail. Once again, thank you so much for sharing and I’ll be making improvements along the way.

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