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Mobile Device History: Where Did It All Begin?

It’s Amazing How Times Change

Do you ever sometimes wonder what it’s like to go back in time? Although it’s been mentioned previously before, it will be covered constantly and go more in depth.

Even though we have a particularly massive advantage with technology, it will still become even more advanced over time. Because there’s a massive abundance of information for us now, we can always take a look back at the mobile device history. 

Before the mobile device gets covered, we’ll take it back to the start and the origins before it. The start will go all the way back to the telephone and computer.

The computer is one key factor that helped pave the way for mobile device evolution. The phone is another key factor do the same thing.  How it all started will make for some interesting information.

Here’s A Little Bit About Technology Origins

It can be a surprise to many when history tells us that technology has existed for centuries. It just wasn’t as advanced previously. It’s even suggested that it goes back as far as the B.C. time period. You can’t help but wonder how far down the rabbit hole it really goes.

Although we’ll never truly know what it was like during the ancient times, we can go off of the detailed information available to us now. We can only imagine what times were like before our time. Research can be interesting.

Computers Are The Past, Present And Future

The history of the computer goes back as far as the early 19th century. More specifically, it was during the 1830s that a man named Charles Babbage had a head start. He was credited for devising ideas for the first digital computer.

Although he was not able to put all of his plans in to effect, he did leave behind blueprints that would later be picked up. From there, the continuation of technology advancement would stretch into the early twentieth century.

The early 1900s would mark the continuation of computer evolution. During the first half of the twentieth century, computers and computer systems were incredibly large and took extensive time to put together. Over the course of the century, the number of computer types came to an increase and became more sophisticated. 

Today, we have what we know as the desktop computer which has been around since the early 1960s invented by Pier Giorgio Perotto. This would then lead to a history changing movement that would continue to shape the late twentieth century and early twenty-first cenury. This movement would come to be by means of going mobile. It would also bring us to the popular and commonly used laptop.

Mobile Phones Are Also The Past, Present And Future

Now attention is being turned to the phone. Many of us are familiar with the name Alexander Graham Bell. He also had a partner named Charles Sumner Tainter. Together, they would patent the first U.S. telephone or radiophone in the late 1870s. Graham was one of the three main men responsible for revolutionizing the phone. 

Even before Bell, there were two other men that are far less talked about. There’s Charles Borseul who devised the first phone in the early 1850s. Then there was Antonio Meucci who invented the first basic phone in the late 1840s.

Going back in time again, mobile phones were not exactly the most popular everyday thing happening in the past. Mobile phones would gain more momentum during the 1980s with the first cell phone invented by Martin Cooper.

Pay phones, pagers, and regular telephones were still being frequently used for the next two decades. At the same time, the popularity of the mobile phone would continue to increase with each decade.

It was not until the 1990s when phone popularity really started to gain a massive amount of traction. Cordless home phones would start to pick up steam and still continue to have in impact in this day and age.

The same can be said about cell phones because they too would also gain immense traction. Thanks to the evolution of technology, it makes life that much easier for us to have even better communication with one another.

The 2000s would lead to flip phone popularity after it was invented in the late 1990s by Martin Cooper. This would all change the face of cell phone evolution with the invention of the iPhone in the late 2000s. The man responsible for the invention was Steve Jobs.

Mobile Devices Have Continued In Their Evolution

The evolution continues to introduce us to some popular mobile device hybrids. First is the tablet. Many of us may find it surprising to know that the tablet goes back as far as the late 1980s. Its inventor was Jeff Hawkings. Its original name was the GridPad which some consider to be the first tablet. The late 2000s to early 2010s would be where its popularity started to surge.

Similar in style, the iPad would make an entrance of its own in the early 2010s. Its inventor was Steve Jobs. It would go on to become one of most popular mobile devices competing heavily with the tablet.

Several variations or types of iPads have since hit the mainstream ever since its first appearance. With new technology inventions comes excitement, new trends and latest crazes that come with what new sensations that make their debut.

There’s Always The Question Of Where History Will Take Us Next

Some of us may find ourselves wondering what future technology is waiting to be made and introduced next. The developers and inventors will be the ones to know firsthand while we as the public have to wait. It took a great deal of work from innovators and everyone who was involved in those works in some form.

Look at where we are with technology now. It will only improve and evolve going forward. With old styles come new ones. It’s best not to get too caught up in all of the latest hype. As the times keep changing, we learn to change along with them.

I hope you all enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to comment. Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have as I want to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for taking some time to give this a read.


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